RNase Clear

Equivalent to RNAseZAP

RNAse Clear™️ stands as an indispensable solution in the realm of molecular biology, particularly in laboratories where RNA-based experiments are conducted. Its significance lies in its ability to thwart one of the greatest adversaries of RNA research: RNAse contamination.

RNAse Clear: Your Shield Against RNAse Invasion

Removal of RNAse contamination from the glass and plastic surfaces.

RNAse clear performance is similar to RNaseZap®.

Shipped at room temperature.

Within 2hrs delivery for Bangalore and 2-3 working days across India.

Product Details


  • Cat# RB03-1
  • 250 mL pack


  • Cat# RB03-2
  • 250 mL X 4 pack


Incredible Offers
  • Cat# RB03-X
  • Bulk Packs

RNAse, the enzymatic saboteur, possesses the power to swiftly degrade RNA molecules, rendering experiments futile and data unreliable. However, with RNAse Clear (Eq to RNAseZap) at hand, researchers gain a potent ally in the battle against such enzymatic assailants.

The solution functions as a cleanser, meticulously purging workspaces, equipment, and reagents of any lurking RNAse contaminants. Its formulation targets a spectrum of RNAse species, ensuring comprehensive protection for delicate RNA samples. Whether it’s pipettes, bench surfaces, or even gloved hands, RNAse Clear leaves no avenue unscathed in its quest for RNAse-free conditions.

One of its standout features is its versatility. It can be seamlessly integrated into various laboratory protocols, offering convenience without compromising efficacy. Its rapid action saves precious time, allowing researchers to focus on their experiments with confidence, unburdened by the constant threat of RNA degradation.

Moreover, RNAse Clear’s efficacy is not limited to mere prevention; it also serves as a remedy in cases of accidental contamination. Its application swiftly neutralizes RNAse activity, salvaging experiments that would otherwise be lost to enzymatic degradation.

In essence, RNAse Clear embodies the spirit of vigilance in RNA research, safeguarding the integrity of data and the progress of scientific inquiry. Its presence in the laboratory assures researchers that the invisible menace of RNAse contamination is kept at bay, empowering them to delve deeper into the mysteries of the RNA world with unwavering confidence.

Room Temperature.

Protocol for this product can be found here. 

All the products are for research purpose only. Not for human diagnostics.