Taq DNA polymerase is a highly thermostable DNA polymerase which is ubiquitously used for PCR reactions. The optimal activity for Taq Polymerase is around 72°C. The enzyme catalyzes 5’→3’ DNA synthesis but does not possess 3’→5’ exonuclease activity for proof reading. It also contains active 5’→3’ exonuclease activity.
Crudely extracted plant DNA can be directly used for PCR.
PCR Amplifications upto 5KB is supported.
Multiplexing is easier and can detect low copy targets.
Making genotyping simpler and reliable.
High tolerance for many PCR inhibitors/reagents.
Seamless amplification for cDNA 2nd Strand Synthesis.
Making Colony PCR extremely simple, accurate and fast.
Ultrafast delivery across India. Just 3 hours for Namma Bengaluru.
1ng of Lambda (λ) phage DNA was taken for amplification. 500bp , 3kb and 5kb fragments were amplified using DX/DT Taq DNA Polymerase. Average GC content: 57%
PCR Conditions
Lambda template (1µL), forward & reverse primers (1µL each), 10X Reaction buffer (5µL), 2.5mM dNTP (4µL), Taq DNA Polymerase (0.5µL) and make upto 50µL using Nuclease Free Water.
Cycling conditions and Gel
95℃ (2min), 25 Cycles [ 95℃-30s; 58℃-30s; 72℃-1min/kb], 72℃- 5to 10 minutes. 5µL of sample was loaded directly in 1% Agarose Gel which was run just for 15 minutes.
Taq DNA Polymerase, by nature, itself is a stable enzyme. However, our formulation buffers are designed to keep them even more stable during regular freeze-thaw cycle.
Freeze thaw test
Taq DNA Polymerase was stored at -20℃ freezer and thawed in hand for 3-4 minutes. After this, samples were vortexed and spun down for 10 mins. It was then kept on ice for 30 mins (for PCR activities),later were stored in -20℃ for 90 mins. Amplification was tested for every 15, 30, 40 and 50 cycles.
PCR Conditions
Sample: Lambda DNA (1ng), target 300bp
Cycling conditions and Gel
95℃ (2min), 25 Cycles [ 95℃-30s; 58℃-30s; 72℃-30s], 72℃- 2 minutes.
10 µL of sample was loaded directly in 1% Agarose Gel which was run just for 30 minutes.
Our Taq DNA Polymerase, buffer system and dNTP mixes are uniquely designed to be able to ship at room temperatures. This we shall prove!
Taq DNA Polymerase, its 10X reaction buffer and dNTP mixes were stored in hot air oven set at 45℃. Amplification was tested randomly.
PCR Conditions
Sample: Lambda DNA (1ng), target 300bp fragment
Cycling conditions and Gel
95℃ (2min), 25 Cycles [ 95℃-30s; 58℃-30s; 72℃-30s], 72℃- 2 minutes.
10 µL of sample was loaded directly in 1% Agarose Gel which was run just for 30 minutes.
Long time storage: -20℃, 2 years
Day to day usage: 4℃, One Month
Always prevent the enzyme and reaction buffers from primer and nucleases contamination.
Protocol for this product can be found here.
All the products are for research purpose only. Not for human diagnostics.